In this episode, I talk about letting go of control and learning to surrender. 

I found through my own journey while pregnant that I had to fully embrace this idea of surrendering and letting go of what could happen.

It took me a while to understand what surrendering actually meant, but eventually through conversation, practice, and trying to embody this ethos I finally found some peace in amongst the noise. 

And it was deeply peaceful & sweet to be in that space of surrender. 

It was also deeply vulnerable to offer myself to the universe and just believe that all will unfold the way it needs to and embracing that deep trust. 

For someone who identifies as a Type A personality that likes control it was quite the journey – but well worth practicing through my freebirth VBAC pregnancy and birthing experience. 

Join me as I share my experiences and stories on this topic. 

Enjoy this episode!

Ashley x

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