3 books you should read for your freebirth

3 books you should read for your freebirth

There are so many birth books on the market it’s hard to know where to start.   I wanted to cut through the noise a little bit and just guide you to a few of my favourite books that helped me change my mindset for my freebirth, understand more about what’s wrong with...
How to protect your pregnancy freebirth bubble

How to protect your pregnancy freebirth bubble

During your freebirth pregnancy, you want to protect your pregnancy bubble at all costs.   The last thing you want is to tell the wrong person and be bombarded with fear or judgements from other people who don’t understand your choice to freebirth.   This leads to...
What supplies do you need for your freebirth?

What supplies do you need for your freebirth?

If this is your first freebirth or homebirth you may feel the need to get all the freebirth supplies organised so you can feel less overwhelmed, and more relaxed for the birthing day.   You may have checked out groups and seen a huge number of items recommended and...
What is a Highly sensitive person?

What is a Highly sensitive person?

​You may be wondering if you’re a highly sensitive person.  As a highly sensitive person, I have been told that I’m too emotional, that I’m too sensitive, I am too judgemental or negative.   I’ve found my sensitivity usually comes out when using my...


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