In this episode, we meet Dr Sarah Buckley!

Dr Sarah Buckley is trained as a GP with qualifications in GP obstetrics. She has been writing and lecturing to childbirth professionals and parents since 1997 and is the author of the internationally best-selling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering.

Sarah has a special interest in the hormones of physiological labour and birth and the impacts of interventions. In 2015 she completed an extensive report on this topic, Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, published with Childbirth Connection (US).

She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland, researching oxytocin in labour and birth. She has co-authored several papers on oxytocin in labour, birth and breastfeeding.

Sarah is also the mother of four children, all born at home and now all adults. She lives on the semi-rural outskirts of Brisbane.

In this episode we discussed the power of hormones in undisturbed birth and how Oxytocin assisted in natural birth.

As well as touching base on ecstatic birth and much, much more!

Listen to this amazing episode now to help you prepare for your homebirth!


You can keep in touch with Sarah on these platforms:



Twitter: @SarahJBuckley

Instagram: sarahjbuckley


Show Notes:

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