In this episode, we take a deeper dive into how you can protect your pregnancy VBAC Homebirth bubble and why it’s important to protect it.

Here’s is a snippet of what I covered in this episode.

1.  Be mindful of who you share your VBAC Homebirth plans with.

2.  Don’t let in negative birth stories (and what to do if you come across them)

3.  Work on your mindset

Final thought

Protect your pregnancy VBAC Homebirth bubble at all costs and always be mindful about the type of content you consume or the people you share your plans with.

Unfollow pages/ groups/ take a step back from people who are not positive & supportive.

This is your time to focus on building up your confidence and relax before your baby is born and joins you earthside.

I personally invite you to join me for this Free Workshop
I am running it live this weekend Freebirth as a highly sensitive – how to get the emotional & mindset support for your freebirth pregnancy

I would love to see you live at this workshop, answer any questions you have and connect with you! Send me an email to save your spot.

You will learn:

✔ Why HSP need EXTRA emotional support (or a support team)

✔ Understand your current support

✔ Why mindset support matters in a freebirth pregnancy

✔ How to get your partner to be more supportive of your emotional needs

How you can connect with me:

Find out more on how I can support you + you can have me as your guide + biggest supporter – Click here!

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Ashley x

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