In this episode, I share my experience of going from one baby to two (and three). 

I remember when I was pregnant with our second baby and I wondered if I could love another child as much as I loved our first.  Or could I give our second one as much time as our first. 

Mother guilt at times consumed me and I worried about how to balance my time and love between two little ones. 

I also thought my firstborn would be losing out on time from me as well. 

I’m going to answer some of the common questions and thoughts that mums going from one to two children may be thinking. 

Here are some of the questions I go through in this episode:

  • Will I love my next baby as much as my first
  • Am I being selfish?  Will I have enough time?
  • With the next baby along comes more confidence, multitasking skills kick in and you start to care less about things that felt so important with just one.
  • Limit your expectations of who this new baby will be.  Often the babies are completely different experiences

Consider your support circle : 

  • Postpartum doula
  • Hire a cleaner
  • Get your family, friends, and partner on board

Organise freezer meals:

  • Start double batching meals (making two serves one for now and one for another time)
  • Ask family/ friends to help cook meals, or send fresh ones when the baby is born
  • Hire a food service to deliver fresh meals

Is it hard?  

This depends on many factors which I discuss:

  • Support
  • Age gaps
  • Your temperament
  • Your children’s temperament
  • Your birth (whether it was postive/ was traumatic or if you suffered physical birth injuries. 

Enjoy this episode, 

Ashley x 

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