In this episode, we meet Lisa who lives in America and had her second baby in the Covid Pandemic. 

Lisa planned for a vaginal birth with her first baby, and during labour ended up birthing her baby by a surgical birth.  

During the surgery, the surgeons needed to cut above the vertical scar to remove her baby safely and Lisa ended up with what we call an Inverted T Special Scar. 

When Lisa was pregnant with her second baby she felt anxious, nervous, depressed, very angry, and defensive most of the pregnancy. 

A few emotional breakdowns. Feelings of loneliness, negative thoughts towards birth, and low self-esteem. 

The stress of getting things done at home, and usually being alone at work and home. 

And at 36 weeks she decided to homebirth with Chris Miller who by Lisa’s words  “Chris – My incredible midwife; skilled, experienced (50+ years, 3,000+ births)”

Lisa says “Emotionally, deciding home birth helped me feel more peace. I feel relaxed and calm about waiting for birth. I don’t feel like I’m fighting anyone and I don’t feel abandoned.”

She birthed her special scars baby safely at home. 

To hear Lisa’s incredible homebirth story listen to this episode!

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